At the last minute today, I decided to take the trek down to Coral Gables to see Iron Chef Cat Cora at a demo/book signing for her new book, Cat Cora's Classics with a Twist,
and boy am I glad I did! After a bumpy start to the evening (A/C in my car went out halfway through the drive down, then I get to the bookstore and their power was out, so no A/C there either), it turned out to be a lovely evening. A had a nice glass of wine while waiting for the bookstore get everything set up, and browsing the Books & Books store. Then it was time for Cat to get started. First did a little intro to the book:
(Don't know if you can tell, but she is SUPER tiny!)
Then she did a little food demo and question and answer session:
Then it was time for the book signing. She was so gracious and spoke to everyone who came:
Then it was my turn!!!!!
All in all a very fun evening. I will definitely go back next time they have a chef book signing. OK, now, what to make from the book first???