Surprise, surprise I am a cookbook collector. I wish I had more time, money and people to feed, then I would really would be cooking non-stop! As it is I rip through the cookbook on the first day I get it, post-it tab all the recipes I want to try, and then I'm lucky if I ever get to any of them. Luckily, I picked two good ones from
Rocco Dispirito's latest cookbook,
Now Eat This. This cookbook is a all of your favorite comfort foods, all under 350 calories. I knew I had to get this cookbook after seeing Rocco's demonstration at the
South Beach Wine & Food Festival and he made brownies that are 53 calories. Yes, you read that right! 53 calorie brownies my friends, the man is a genius! (And pretty cute too!)
OK, back to the cooking. His recipes really are pretty genius.
For my first attempt I tried his Jambalaya:
So moist and delicious, you would never know it was low fat!
Admittedly, I am not a fan of brown rice normally, but in this I totally forgot it was even healthy for me! I did spice it up by adding some red pepper flakes, but the smoky flavor of the paprika had a ton of flavor already.
I also made the Skinny Chef's Salad, not pictured. Another hit!
One thing that I have noticed, is that the portions are pretty generous in this cookbook, which is another plus for me! Good food, lots of it and low fat? Winner! Way to go Rocco, can't wait to try those brownies next!