Addicted to the Food Network!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Noodle or Nice

Everyone has those foods or flavors that make you think of home or take you right back to childhood. Well, my friend Sheryel is no exception. She was having a craving for a dish called Noodles Romanoff the other day and asked me if I knew what it was...I did not. She explained that it was a Betty Crocker dish that has long been discontinued. The way I pictured it was a noodle with a creamy cheesy sauce. I quickly did a little Internet research and realized that Sheryel is not the only one who reminisces about this dish from their past. I found a lot of copy-cat versions of the recipe and tried it out tonight.

It tastes to me like a fancy mac-n-cheese, but Sheryel will be the judge when I take it to her tomorrow...stay tuned for the verdict!


  1. I am so proud you made this for me will taste amazing because of the thought..I am excited diet tomorrow!

  2. I can't wait to find out how the taste test went! What a great friend you are, Heather, and what an amazing chef!!!

  3. Verdict is in...It tastes like the original! Tip for any second day leftovers (As if!): Add more butter and sourcream before you re-heat and it will re-moisturize it...yum!!!
